Religious education

Soup Kitchen Challenge
The Salvation Army has teamed up with the New Covent Garden Food Co and is challenging children and adults to take part in a very special Soup Kitchen Challenge on Friday 27th November 2009. We're inviting you to organise a soup lunch to raise money for The Salvation?Army&'s work with people who are homeless or in need. It&';s easy to take part and a great way to make a difference this Christmas. The Soup Kitchen Challenge Schools Pack includes an assembly outline, classroom activities and everything else you need to take part in Soup Kitchen Challenge.

The First World War and The Salvation Army(KS2)
This is a stand-alone lesson which introduces pupils to the First World War with a humanitarian and religious response.
It takes the perspective of Faith in Action and how The Salvation Army supported people during WW1.
These themes can be explored further on this webpage www.salvationarmy.org.uk/uki/primary-ww1

The Salvation Army and the Morality of War
A lesson reflecting on the work of The Salvation Army during World War One and exploring The Salvation Army's stance on the morality of war.

The Salvation Army in Britain
A lesson exploring how The Salvation Army supported those in Britain during World War One.

Alcohol and The Salvation Army
In this lesson students will reflect on and express their own opinions about alcohol as well as understand the consequences of alcohol consumption. Pupils will be able to explain The Salvation Army's standpoint and understand how The Salvation Army helps those suffering with alcohol additions.

Catherine Booth and Women in Christian Ministry
A lesson aimed at 16- to 18-year-olds about Catherine Booth's arguments for women preaching and leading. The resources help students explore Bible passages and Catherine Booth's beliefs as expressed in her pamphlet Women's Right to Preach the Gospel. This lesson provides an opportunity for students to share their own opinions on this subject having reflecting on the texts and arguments.

Is the Christmas Story relevant today?
Some of the difficulties faced 2,000 years ago by the people in the Christmas story are still affecting thousands of people today. Explore the Christmas story by using images created with current newspaper headlines alongside the Bible text. This resource is inspired by a set of four Christmas posters created by The Salvation Army. Includes creative ideas for how the images could be used in RE , Literacy, Drama and Humanities lessons.

Salvation Army Soldiership
This resource helps pupils explore what it means to be a member of The Salvation Army through learning about what soldiership means to young members and through exploring what soldiers believe and do. Pupils will reflect on how members of The Salvation Army, a Christian denomination that does not practise sacraments, express their Christian faith.

What is The Salvation Army? The History
Why is it called an army?.. is a lesson exploring the history of The Salvation Army, when it was started by William Booth during the Victorian era. Discover why there was a need for social action and how The Salvation Army helped the poor. Lesson 2 of 6.
These resources provide an introduction to The Salvation Army through a range of lessons and activities. They are ideal to use in one-off lessons, or to introduce a longer topic looking at different aspects of The Salvation Army.

What is The Salvation Army? An introduction
The Salvation Army is… is a lesson introducing to The Salvation Army. Investigate key words and the purpose behind a corps building (Salvation Army church). Lesson 1 of 6.
These resources provide an introduction to The Salvation Army through a range of lessons and activities. They are ideal to use in one-off lessons, or to introduce a longer topic looking at different aspects of The Salvation Army.

The First World War and The Salvation Army (KS1)
This is a stand-alone lesson which introduces pupils to the First World War with a humanitarian and religious response.
It takes the perspective of Faith in Action and how The Salvation Army supported people during WW1.
These themes can be explored further on this webpage www.salvationarmy.org.uk/schools/history

The First World War and The Salvation Army - Ambulances and Women's War Work
Lesson 3 of 4. Love in Action and in Truth explores the different types of war work men and women of The Salvation Army undertook to support soldiers.
Part of a complete mini project based on the First World War. It covers the humanitarian aid given to soldiers abroad and in the UK. Pupils discover how and why The Salvation Army supported servicemen in a thought provoking yet fun and creative way.
Includes opportunities for cross-curricular links.

The First world War and The Salvation Army - Chaplains and After the War
Lesson 4 of 4. Heart to God and Hand to Man explores how Salvation Army chaplains supported soldiers on the front line, and reflects on the support given during WW1.
Part of a complete mini project based on the First World War. It covers the humanitarian aid given to soldiers abroad and in the UK. Pupils discover how and why The Salvation Army supported servicemen in a thought provoking yet fun and creative way.
Includes opportunities for cross-curricular links.

The First World War and The Salvation Army - story
This interactive sensory story introduces pupils to the First World War. It takes the perspective of Faith in Action and how The Salvation Army supported soldiers during WW1.
These themes can be explored further on this webpage www.salvationarmy.org.uk/uki/primary-ww1

The First World War and The Salvation Army - UK Aid and Germany
Lesson 1 of 4. Love my Neighbour explores how The Salvation Army supported people in Britain, and asks the question how do you love your neighbour when there is war?
Part of a complete mini project based on the First World War. It covers the humanitarian aid given to soldiers abroad and in the UK. Pupils discover how and why The Salvation Army supported servicemen in a thought provoking yet fun and creative way.
Includes opportunities for cross-curricular links.

The First World War and The Salvation Army - Supporting Soldiers
Lesson 2 of 4. I was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me explores how and why The Salvation Army supported soldiers near the front line in Salvation Army huts.
Part of a complete mini project based on the First World War. It covers the humanitarian aid given to soldiers abroad and in the UK. Pupils discover how and why The Salvation Army supported servicemen in a thought provoking yet fun and creative way.
Includes opportunities for cross-curricular links.

Exploring William Booth
A lesson about William Booth, who started The Salvation Army during the Victorian times. This lesson looks at the life of William and explores the key points in his life. How and why did he turn his life around? How did his faith influence his actions? What are our own turning points in life?
Links with ‘impact of a religious faith upon a person’, Faith in Action and the topic Victorians.

Why Help? Refugee Lesson
A lesson based on the theme of refugees. It explores the journey of a refugee, and how and why The Salvation Army is supporting people. Links with Religious Education and PSHE.

What is The Salvation Army? The Bible
Why is the Bible important?.. is a lesson that explains why the Bible is important to Salvation Army members. Pupils investigate a number of Bible teachings and reflect if they agree with them. Lesson 4 of 6.
These resources provide an introduction to The Salvation Army through a range of lessons and activities. They are ideal to use in one-off lessons, or to introduce a longer topic looking at different aspects of The Salvation Army.

What is The Salvation Army? Worship
Worship? What’s That?.. is a lesson explaining what worship is and explores the different forms of worship Salvation Army members may use. Includes an introduction to Salvation Army music. Lesson 5 of 6.
These resources provide an introduction to The Salvation Army through a range of lessons and activities. They are ideal to use in one-off lessons, or to introduce a longer topic looking at different aspects of The Salvation Army.